Monday, April 28, 2008

First day

I kept track on my watch this morning when we arrived at all the various stops. I found that the bus is about 3-4 minutes behind by the time it picks me up near the beginning of the route. By the end of the route it is about 20 minutes behind. I walked from 3rd West and North Temple back to work. This will be the only day I have a long walk. The rest of the week I'll be dropped right off where I work since we're moving locations tonight. Anyway, I'll keep track on the way home to see how the schedule fares at night.

I found another route I think I will try, the 348. Not only does it have twice the number of buses, it also comes in earlier and leaves earlier in the afternoon. I'll definitely have to give that one a try. It may turn out being like every other inaccurate UTA schedule but I don't have first hand knowledge yet.

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